Sunday, January 26, 2014

Dear All,
Well we had a small adventure last night when we returned to our house and realized we didn't have keys!!! Our land lady was gone so we didn't even have the option of her spare key! I climbed along the wall a ways to try to check the window (remember we are on the 2nd floor so it's up high!) But the window was locked ( we are good and safe and keep everything locked up haha). I used one of my bobby pins from my hair to try and pick the lock, which failed. Then Hna Pèrez tried. and failed. And then Hermana`s real criminal skills came out and she used a laminated card to open the door (sliding it in the crack!) I was just glad we didn't have to sleep on the stairs or anything... not that we would have! 
 Another small adventure this morning happened when I was showering. I went to dry off my face after my shower and a HUGE GIGANTIC SPIDER was looking me right in the eyes! on my towel!! I HATE SPIDERS!!!!!!!!! I did not have my contacts in and when I shook it onto the floor I could not see it and a few seconds later I felt it crawling on my legs. Guys, I seriously thought I was going to die! I really don`t like bugs or creepy crawly things. But I kicked it onto the ground and smashed it with my flip flop. I am glad we have to wear shoes in the shower, because who knows how many bugs I have stepped on in there!! 
This week I went on a companion exchange with Hermana Euceda. We visited a family who speak Tzolzan ( not sure how to spell it... its a dialect but not Tzolzil). After our lesson, the Hermana Helped me learn a few phrases. I am not sure how to spell them, but I know how to say "good day", "I am hungry", and "I love you" in that language! and she said my Tzolzan is better than my Español! It is because the way the words are said are closer to English, or German maybe, than Español! It is fun to try new things!
Speaking of new things, I was asked to speak in sacrament meeting last Sunday!!! All 4 of us hermanas in our ward spoke. I was so scared! but I used google to translate my talk and then Hermana Pèrez helped me make it correct Spanish. I felt so ready, I was speaking on missionary work which is easy! I went up to speak and was asked to only bear testimony. WHAT!!! I floundered at first but finished strong! hahaha The good news is I now have a talk ready for when I am asked to speak in church again ;) 
An interesting fact that the boys might like, garbage truck day! On Mondays a garbage truck drives down every street. A man runs ahead of the truck and knocks on all the doors. People bring their garbage out to the street and then when the truck passes you throw the garbage in the back. Two hombres (men) stand on the back of the truck to help sort it all out and squish it into the truck. Interesting right?
Well that's about all for this week. We eat lunch each Monday with the family Lowe who lived in West Valley, Utah for 10 years. Brother Lowe is from Utah!! So he speaks English!! And they always make more American food. Today we had mashed potatoes and gravy and grilled chicken! and !!!! there is no peanut butter here, so Brother Lowe made me homemade peanut butter!!! Oh my goodness; it was so yummy!!
I love you all! 
Remember to pray together and read the Book of Mormon together! I am just finishing Alma! 
Hermana Oli

Hermanas Oliphant, Park, and Troxell

Hermanas Perez and Oliphant with Pres. and Sis. Cardeneas

1 comment:

  1. I would have died if a big spider was staring me in the face. You are a brave girl.
